Multi-differential Jet Substructure Measurement in High Q2 Deep-Inelastic Scattering with the H1 Detector.


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A study of different jet observables in high $Q^{2}$ Deep-Inelastic Scattering events close to the Born kinematics is presented. Differential and multi-differential cross-sections are presented as a function of the jet’s charged constituent multiplicity, momentum dispersion, jet charge, as well as three values of jet angularities. Results are split into multiple $Q^{2}$ intervals, probing the evolution of jet observables with energy scale. These measurements probe the description of parton showers and provide insight into non-perturbative QCD. Unfolded results are derived without binning using the machine learning-based method Omnifold. All observables are unfolded simultaneously by using reconstructed particles inside jets as inputs to a graph neural network.  Results are compared with a variety of predictions.